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Art de la Fugue a 4 Parties
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cover Art de la Fugue a 4 Parties Editions Robert Martin
Johann Sebastien BACH
Publisher : Editions Robert Martin
Genre : Instrumental music
Group : Piano

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L'art de la fugue est une ?uvre inachevée de Jean-Sébastien Bach (8067BWVBWV 1080). Bach began composing around 1740 ou 1742, and put it clean 1745. This first version contains 12 fugues and two cannons. He continued working until his deathfugues and deux guns, en 1750. The second version, published after Bach's death in 1751, contains 14 fugues and 4 guns, but it contains errors and uncertainties in the order of counterpoints. When Bach died, the engraving was not finished, and the edition was supervised and completed by his son Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. The editors have added the choir "Vor deinen Thron tret ich hiermit" (8067BWVBWV 668), bien que celui-ci n'ait pas de lien thématique apparent avec le reste de l'?uvre.
The Art of Fugue is Often Played on the Keyboard (organ, harpsichord, Piano) et il est couramment admis que l'?uvre fut composée pour le clavier, although this point was disputed especially between 1930 et 1970, and sometimes the rest.
Considéré depuis longtemps comme l'?uvre ultime de Bach, The Art of Fugue represents the pinnacle of his writing style, the pinnacle of contrapuntal style and one of the greatest prowess of Western music.
The Art of Fugue inspired or amazed many composers who rediscovered it, parmi lesquels Mozart et Beethoven. La référence à l'écriture contrapuntique de Bach se retrouve dans plusieurs de leurs ?uvres : Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, the Symphony Jupiter or The Magic Flute by Mozart.
L'?uvre a parfois été considérée comme un exercice intellectuel sur le contrepoint que Bach ne destinait pas à être joué. Si faire entendre l'ensemble (a good hour of counterpoint in D minor) may not have been part of the author's intentions, counterpoints, taken individually, not distinguished from the rest of Cantor's production ; however this has always been intended to be practiced. Moreover, the many concerts, editions and recordings devoted to The Art of Fugue have shown their belonging to the repertoire, rather than the library.
L'?uvre semble inachevée. En effet, the counterpoint XIX manuscript stops in the middle of the measure 239, but the question of its belonging to the collection is still controversial. Moreover, many musicologists, by performing a systematic analysis of the compendium, assumed that Bach intended to write other counterpoints, for reasons of symmetry or completeness.
The Art of Fugue is still the subject of many debates within the musical and musicological community. The arguments invoked are often, Today, speculative or philosophical, domains which were not foreign to the composer.
Google machine translation: Original story of the work
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